Danny’s Place Youth Services opened its doors in 2006 to the youth of the entire Acton-Boxborough community. In 2003 while in his junior year at Acton High School, 17-year-old Danny McCarthy died tragically in a car accident while out with friends. He had given his best effort to everything—sports, music, art, and, most importantly, being a son, a brother, and a friend. His appreciation for the people in his life and the lives they created together was something that everyone loved about him - and something no one could forget. Days after his death, his family and friends gathered to find a way to keep his spirit and his contribution alive. They created a space in his memory where, just as Danny had drawn his own small community together in life, young people could come together to connect and grow. They called it Danny’s Place. Click here to watch the 17-minute "Acton in Focus: About Danny's Place," produced by Acton TV.